We love hearing how, why and what-the-flippin-heck our clients are up to with their charging infrastructure.
Which is why our ears pricked up when we got this great email and photo from Gavin, a Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV owner who had purchased a new EV charger from us…but

who had then printed his very own cable holder using free software on TinkerCad and a 3D printer.
Gavin casually wrote:
“I’ve also designed my own holder for the 6/10/15 amp EVSE EV charger and 3D printed on my printer, unit slides in and is easy to remove to shake or take with me.”
At which point we begged for more information and his permission to share with all the other geeks interested people out there:
“No problems with you sharing it only took me 20 minutes in tinkercad.com to create. This is a free CAD program to generate 3D designs, lots of schools use it to teach 3D design and 3D printing. I was volunteering my time teaching year 5 and 6 classes how to use it last year for the design of a chicken coop and for a project they had with VicRoads to make the school crossing safer.
I have attached the .stl file which is used by 3D printing software to create the slices for 3D printing, this file can also be viewed on any windows 10 PC with the 3D viewer program, this will allow you to rotate the model around, can also supply as an .obj file if required.”
If you’re interested in giving this a go, simply head to https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3628526
Thanks again to Gavin for being so willing to share his awesome 3D printed, EV / EVSE charging mount!