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2020's Top Ten Best EVs!
As 2020 comes to a close, we have seen all the Australian market has to offer for electric vehicles, so we want to answer the question...
What is an AC EV charger?
Alternating Current Electric Vehicle Charging are among the most common chargers to find in the wild and at home.
What is a DC EV Fast Charger?
DC Fast Charging stations are one of the fastest ways to charge your vehicle, relying on an electric current straight to the battery.
Giger vs Juice Booster 2 - Let's dive in!
Two of the leading Portable EVSE 3 phase chargers used in Australia are the GIGER and the Juice Booster 2.
Did someone say Giger?
Evolution Australia’s Giger Portable Three Phase Electric Car Charger allows you to connect your EV to three phase power.
How to run a business from your EV
It's not often we get to say this, but today's post contains two of our favourite things; cute slobbery doggos and electric vehicles! We...
Will 2020 be the year for EVs?
In a recently released report, the ABS have published stats showing electric vehicle registrations have almost doubled in the past year,...
Audi EV 'E3' Build: Blog
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