如何为您的 公共电动车 在 澳大利亚 和新西兰
轻松便捷的公众号 电动汽车充电很容易
#1 The granny trickle charger (portable EVSE) may work for you at home but you will be caught short..
Many "make do" with a portable EVSE or trickle / granny charger for charging their car at home, but it's far from ideal.
Most portable EV Chargers have a maximum charge rate of 8 amps which equates to around 10km or range per hour connected.
That's fine if you only drive say 40km a day and are fine running the gauntlet with unreliable and inconvenient public charging infrastructure.
The truth is an occasional / portable EVSE is simply too slow for general use and will be detrimental to your overall experience of running an electric car.
#2 Don't underestimate the importance of your home EV charger
We need to dismiss the myth that a home EV charger is no more complicated or expensive than a general power outlet or GPO.
1. A wall EV charger will need a dedicated power supply run direct from your distribution box which may be 5 or 55 metres away.
2. You can't simply convert or add on to an existing powerpoint in your garage.
3. You home may need electrical upgrades to sustain the lengthy current draws your car will need.
4. You will want to remote control your EV charger or ultimately integrate with your solar.
Add to the fact that there's a whole lot of compliance associated with the RCDs (breakers) and the Wallboxes themselves, hopefully you can appreciate it's more than just a 5 minute / $5 job.
如何使用 Type 2 或通用公共充电站
我需要什么电缆?到目前为止,澳大利亚最常见的插座类型(插头插入充电器的地方)是 2 型(也称为 Mennekes)。
如果您的汽车有 1 型插头(或 J1772),您通常需要一个 T2-T1 电缆。 1型汽车包括大多数 日产聆风, 三菱 PHEV、大多数宝马和梅赛德斯电动汽车和 PHEV。
如果您的汽车有 2 型插头,您将需要一个 T2-T2 电缆。对于 2 型汽车,想想特斯拉、现代 Kona 和 Ioniq、雷诺和捷豹 I-Pace。